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~~~~~~~~~~ Keyhaven and Hurst Spit ~~~~~~~~~~

Hurst lighthouse and beyond that the north coast of the Isle of Wight.




Well fed the Brents start their long journey back to the Arctic tundra to breed.


A gull having a wash and brush up.


The harbour, saltmarshes and mudflats are shielded by the massive Hurst Shingle Spit that reaches out for one and a half miles to Hurst Castle. Click on the picture for a panorama of the saltmarshes and spit.


This aerial clearly shows the shingle spit with Hurst Castle at its southern end.
Photograph copyright of Microsoft Corporation and Getmapping plc.


Hurst Spit, and in the distance the lighthouse that marks the narrow channel between Hurst Castle and the coast of the Isle of Wight.


A rock hopping Pied Wagtail.


The seaward side of the shingle spit is a good site for sea anglers. On the horizen are the famous Needles and its lighthouse, due to the foreshortening of the telephoto lens they look close but in fact they're almost four miles away.


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All Photographs copyright David Packman © 2002 - 2009 (All Rights Reserved)